Privacy Policy
We acknowledge with sincere thanks your interest in Charming Aura product lineup, and for your inclination to be associated for a wonderful shopping experience. By way of sharing our Privacy policy, we wish to offer you an assurance with regard to safe usage of your personal information. In our own right to amend or extend the purview of this privacy policy, you would be kept informed concerning the adaptations incorporated.
We wish to emphasize, that the information collected about you is with sole intention to enhance your shopping experience whereas, the whole idea behind is to let you feel safe and secure, notwithstanding, standard usage of cookies and information collation files amongst most e-commerce sites, however, we shall remain committed to give due respect to your data privacy.
Personal information
Our endeavour, with regard to whatever personal information that you would share, is to keep that strictly safe on our website server, whereas, we would efficiently and holistically employ this information for your order processing and other elements of customer service, or, for other marketing initiatives aimed at keeping you abreast of changes and improvements, and finally, as a feedback tool. As a standard e-shopping methodology, you would share personal information, including contact details and payment information required by our gateway partners. You are requested to read terms of our gateway partners to appreciate full extent of the manner in which your personal information would be utilized.
It is understood and implied that we get your express consent to utilize your personal information, for completing the e-commerce transaction process. Only in the unlikely situation of a customer compromising our Terms and Conditions, the recourse to disclose this personal information to a competent authority, might be invoked.
Further, it is also expressly understood on your behalf, that, you have given us your permission to allow you, your acquaintance, as well as major or minor dependents, to use this site.
All the orders placed by you on our website are fully encrypted using advanced SSL technology, that ensures information authentication and integrity for secure transactions. Your data is stored on a secure server with an effective firewall.